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Pediatric Nephrology Center

                                       Cairo University

Pediatric Nephrology Center, Cairo University, supports a vigorous enterprise of clinical, research and educational programs.

Clinical Services 

Outpatient longitudinal care, nephrology critical care, peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis and transplantation

Reserach Activities 

Pediatric Nephrology Center offers the opportunity to researchers in the fields of clinical pediatric nephrology and renal replacement therapy in accordance with the center research strategy

Educational Activities 

Pediatric Nephrology Center offers academic and clinical educational programs to residents, house officers and nurses in the fields of clinical nephrology, peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis and transplantation.

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IPNA teaching course

Thrombotic Microangiopathy

Click here for the educational material of the event
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ESPNT Junior Master Class

Pediatric Nephrology 

Click here for the educational material of the event

Pediatric Nephrology Center Forum

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1. To provide an appropriate forum to PNC members to exchange their views and thoughts among themselves on scientific issues.

2. To provide a forum to any Pediatrician to inculcate their inquisitiveness.

3.  To provide a forum to Pediatric Nephrologists elsewhere to interact with eminent staff members.

To Register

- Click here 
  watch this demo video for demonstration